Q: “How can I help someone who doesn’t want my help?” This is a common quandary for over-givers and chronic helpers. The problem is that, on the soul level, this isn’t actually helpful sort of help. This is the kind of help that comes from a perspective of inequality – the superiority side of the coin – where the other person is viewed as ‘less capable’, ‘helpless’, ‘powerless’, or even ‘pitiful’. Get over yourself and learn to give people the dignity of their own process and timing and readiness… #32 in the Ask Cynthia series
How can I help someone who doesn’t want my help?
List of all previous Ask Cynthia videos
- Why Isn’t My Healing Moving Faster? [Ask Cynthia #150]
- How Do I Try to Be More Positive [Ask Cynthia #149]
- How Can I Be at Peace at My Mom’s Transition While My Siblings Are Fighting? [Ask Cynthia #148]
- How can I feel inspired when I dread getting out of bed each morning? [Ask Cynthia #147]
- How do I stop regretting a bad mistake I made? [Ask Cynthia #146]
- Why do I love my pet more than actual people? [Ask Cynthia #145]
- Why Are Some People So Mean? [Ask Cynthia #144]
- Q: “How can I feel anything but despair at what’s happening in the world today? [AskCynthia #143]
- How do I get my friend to stop the superiority trip?
- My child feels suicidal, what can I do?
- What can I do when I have resistance to doing anything?
- I went from bliss to despair – what is happening?
- How do I know I’m making the right choice in a really tough decision?
- As I become more aware, I’m noticing all of the areas I could have done better as a parent… how do I let go of the mothering guilt?
- Why do I always sabotage opportunities for intimacy, love and connection?
- Why is it that whenever I try to do something good for myself, like lose weight or eat better, it always tanks?
- How am I supposed to trust in God when bad things keep happening to me? [Ask Cynthia 142]
- Since my awakening, most people think I’m nuts – why is it so frustrating to get people to listen?
- Why does it seem like some people never have to experience their own karma?
- How do I use muscle testing to know what is or isn’t right for me? [Ask Cynthia No. 141]
- How do I get rid of bad karma?
- How do I move out of victimized and broken without bypassing my pain? [Ask Cynthia No. 140]
- Is becoming present 24/7 the holy grail of awakening?
- How do I find a lover who understands me?
- Is pain and suffering needed to awaken?
- Why do people have an intense desire to help other people during their own awakening?
- How do I stop my parents from criticizing me?
- What’s the difference between intuition and fear-based anxiety?
- How can I tell if I’m awakening or just delusional?
- How do I deal with jealous people, especially my own parents and sisters?
- I’m using your energy protection every day, but will this prevent me from sending energy to other people to help them heal and strengthen their connection to Source?
- I’m doing everything I can – staying clean, sober, meditating, working on my belief system – but still I’m suffering, both physically and emotionally… what can I do?
- How do I stay focused on a goal?
- How do I stay grounded and recharged?
- Do we have free will, or is everything happening for a reason?
- How can I help my daughters heal from the anger I’ve been perpetuating upon them?
- How do I know if I’m on the right path?
- How can I move out of lack when my wallet is empty?
- What is karma, and is it always bad?
- Healing with Cynthia: Why do I suddenly feel afraid to be around groups of people?
- My child triggers me to no end – how do I stop the ‘monster-mommy’?
- Why does my teenager have to argue everything I say?
- How will I know if someone’s my soulmate or not?
- Since awakening, I just can’t seem to relate to people anymore – why is that so?
- I want to leave my marriage but I feel too much guilt to break my commitment – how can I resolve this?
- How do I forgive the man who raped me?
- I have 65 creative projects – how do I possibly narrow it down?
- After retreat, I can see all the ways I’ve been compromising – how can I keep from losing myself in the minutia?
- I’ve left a relationship that I know is unhealthy, but I’m still feeling the pull to return – what should I do?
- Whenever I see my neighbor, I’m overcome by hatred. I hate this about myself – how do I stop?
- How can I tell if my fear is warning me away or if it’s an obstacle that I need to overcome?
- How could I be responsible for my own abuse as a child? That idea is so painful.
- Whenever someone tells me to support myself from within, I just feel enraged – how can I get past this?
- I’ve meditated for years, but my mind is still not calm – what should I do?
- I’ve been abandoned – again; Why does this keep happening to me?
- Everybody keeps saying do service, but I’m already depleted as it is – what should I do?
- How do I stop sibling rivalry? My oldest child’s jealousy brings the whole family down.
- Why do some people seem to have everything while other people have nothing? Life seems so unfair.
- How can I become more humble? Whenever I get cocky I screw up my life.
- Can I change my nation’s consciousness, or should I just accept it?
- Is it a cruelty to bring children into the world in its current crazy state?
- How do I release the guilt I still feel for all of the bad things I have done in my life?
- How can I believe that there’s a Loving God when there’s still so much suffering on the planet?
- How do I convince people not to engage in political mudslinging?
- How do I heal from a broken heart?
- Why won’t God answer my prayers?
- How can I control my teenaged son?
- How do I prevent from damaging my children with all of my baggage?
- Why can’t I relate to my own friends anymore? It’s making me really sad…
- How do I deal with a narcissist if we have children together?
- How do I leave a job I hate when I really need the money?
- How do I attract a spiritual partner?
- How do I attract a healthy, committed relationship?
- Since I’ve awakened, my entire life seems to be falling apart – when will it end?
- Why is life so hard, and why do I have to struggle so much?
- How do I stop feeling so lost?
- Why does it seem as if nobody cares about me?
- How can I best be of service to the world?
- Why can’t people be more kind to one another? Mean people drive me crazy!
- Do I have to believe in reincarnation in order to be spiritually awakened?
- What can I do for my social anxiety?
- How do I claim my power and equality as a woman in a male-dominated world?
- My daughter is being disturbed by dark spirits in the classroom – what can I do?
- I cannot stand my friend’s complaining anymore – what should I do?
- How can I ease my aging parent’s suffering?
- Can I make my relationship work even though my partner isn’t spiritual?
- I feel so angry all the time… shouldn’t awakening feel more joyful?
- I know God loves me, but it feels so hopeless… Why do I feel like giving up?
- Is my desire for sex unspiritual?
- My narcissistic ex keeps showing back up in my life and draining me dry – what do I do?
- What’s the difference between spirituality and religion?
- My husband cheated. How will I ever trust again?
- Is it normal to feel everyone else’s pain and to feel exhausted after being around people?
- Why can’t I get people to help me fight all of the evil that’s happening on the planet?
- How do I leave an abusive relationship when I still love my partner?
- How do I get past all the fears that are coming up as I begin to expand?
- How do I get past all the fears that are coming up as I begin to expand?
- Why is the Law of Attraction not working for me?
- How do I get out of the judgment of my past partying days?
- How do I make my partner care about me again?
- How do I get past what other people think about me?
- I have so much joy with my children – why can’t I feel that joy at work?
- Why do feel so impatient about how fast my process is going?
- How can I get more money to flow?
- Why do I keep sabotaging myself with thoughts like ‘who am I to be spiritual’?
- How can I help someone who doesn’t want my help?
- I thought I had found my soulmate, but then why did it all fall apart?
- Why do I feel so misunderstood?
- Why can’t I leave my codependent relationship?
- Why do I have to keep looking at something I’ve already healed?
- Why can’t I figure out my soul’s purpose?
- How do I own the mirror in relationship?
- Why do I keep attracting the same narcissistic man over and over again?
- Love for the Suicidal Thoughts
- The Law of Abundance
- Non-duality
- Soul’s Voice
- Let Go of the Mother Grudge
- Slow it Down
- Your Highest Self
- The End of Overwhelm
- Why do I feel like an alien?
- Escape Analysis Paralysis
- Higher Levels of Understanding
- Is there a difference between believing and knowing?
- Embody Enlightenment
- How do I connect with my Inner Being?
- How can I feel more Gratitude?
- Ahhh! I’m stuck!
- When the heck will I be doing my soul’s purpose?
- Enter Compassion
- Growing Through Joy
- No Way to Fail
- What’s it All About?
- No Way to Fail
- How do I end my suffering?
- Why does it often feel like I’m going backwards?