Q: “My husband cheated. How will I ever trust again?” Just Trust Yourself… #45 in the Ask Cynthia series
My husband cheated. How will I ever trust again?
List of all previous Ask Cynthia videos
- Why Isn’t My Healing Moving Faster? [Ask Cynthia #150]
- How Do I Try to Be More Positive [Ask Cynthia #149]
- How Can I Be at Peace at My Mom’s Transition While My Siblings Are Fighting? [Ask Cynthia #148]
- How can I feel inspired when I dread getting out of bed each morning? [Ask Cynthia #147]
- How do I stop regretting a bad mistake I made? [Ask Cynthia #146]
- Why do I love my pet more than actual people? [Ask Cynthia #145]
- Why Are Some People So Mean? [Ask Cynthia #144]
- Q: “How can I feel anything but despair at what’s happening in the world today? [AskCynthia #143]
- How do I get my friend to stop the superiority trip?
- My child feels suicidal, what can I do?
- What can I do when I have resistance to doing anything?
- I went from bliss to despair – what is happening?
- How do I know I’m making the right choice in a really tough decision?
- As I become more aware, I’m noticing all of the areas I could have done better as a parent… how do I let go of the mothering guilt?
- Why do I always sabotage opportunities for intimacy, love and connection?
- Why is it that whenever I try to do something good for myself, like lose weight or eat better, it always tanks?
- How am I supposed to trust in God when bad things keep happening to me? [Ask Cynthia 142]
- Since my awakening, most people think I’m nuts – why is it so frustrating to get people to listen?
- Why does it seem like some people never have to experience their own karma?
- How do I use muscle testing to know what is or isn’t right for me? [Ask Cynthia No. 141]
- How do I get rid of bad karma?
- How do I move out of victimized and broken without bypassing my pain? [Ask Cynthia No. 140]
- Is becoming present 24/7 the holy grail of awakening?
- How do I find a lover who understands me?
- Is pain and suffering needed to awaken?
- Why do people have an intense desire to help other people during their own awakening?
- How do I stop my parents from criticizing me?
- What’s the difference between intuition and fear-based anxiety?
- How can I tell if I’m awakening or just delusional?
- How do I deal with jealous people, especially my own parents and sisters?
- I’m using your energy protection every day, but will this prevent me from sending energy to other people to help them heal and strengthen their connection to Source?
- I’m doing everything I can – staying clean, sober, meditating, working on my belief system – but still I’m suffering, both physically and emotionally… what can I do?
- How do I stay focused on a goal?
- How do I stay grounded and recharged?
- Do we have free will, or is everything happening for a reason?
- How can I help my daughters heal from the anger I’ve been perpetuating upon them?
- How do I know if I’m on the right path?
- How can I move out of lack when my wallet is empty?
- What is karma, and is it always bad?
- Healing with Cynthia: Why do I suddenly feel afraid to be around groups of people?
- My child triggers me to no end – how do I stop the ‘monster-mommy’?
- Why does my teenager have to argue everything I say?
- How will I know if someone’s my soulmate or not?
- Since awakening, I just can’t seem to relate to people anymore – why is that so?
- I want to leave my marriage but I feel too much guilt to break my commitment – how can I resolve this?
- How do I forgive the man who raped me?
- I have 65 creative projects – how do I possibly narrow it down?
- After retreat, I can see all the ways I’ve been compromising – how can I keep from losing myself in the minutia?
- I’ve left a relationship that I know is unhealthy, but I’m still feeling the pull to return – what should I do?
- Whenever I see my neighbor, I’m overcome by hatred. I hate this about myself – how do I stop?
- How can I tell if my fear is warning me away or if it’s an obstacle that I need to overcome?
- How could I be responsible for my own abuse as a child? That idea is so painful.
- Whenever someone tells me to support myself from within, I just feel enraged – how can I get past this?
- I’ve meditated for years, but my mind is still not calm – what should I do?
- I’ve been abandoned – again; Why does this keep happening to me?
- Everybody keeps saying do service, but I’m already depleted as it is – what should I do?
- How do I stop sibling rivalry? My oldest child’s jealousy brings the whole family down.
- Why do some people seem to have everything while other people have nothing? Life seems so unfair.
- How can I become more humble? Whenever I get cocky I screw up my life.
- Can I change my nation’s consciousness, or should I just accept it?
- Is it a cruelty to bring children into the world in its current crazy state?
- How do I release the guilt I still feel for all of the bad things I have done in my life?
- How can I believe that there’s a Loving God when there’s still so much suffering on the planet?
- How do I convince people not to engage in political mudslinging?
- How do I heal from a broken heart?
- Why won’t God answer my prayers?
- How can I control my teenaged son?
- How do I prevent from damaging my children with all of my baggage?
- Why can’t I relate to my own friends anymore? It’s making me really sad…
- How do I deal with a narcissist if we have children together?
- How do I leave a job I hate when I really need the money?
- How do I attract a spiritual partner?
- How do I attract a healthy, committed relationship?
- Since I’ve awakened, my entire life seems to be falling apart – when will it end?
- Why is life so hard, and why do I have to struggle so much?
- How do I stop feeling so lost?
- Why does it seem as if nobody cares about me?
- How can I best be of service to the world?
- Why can’t people be more kind to one another? Mean people drive me crazy!
- Do I have to believe in reincarnation in order to be spiritually awakened?
- What can I do for my social anxiety?
- How do I claim my power and equality as a woman in a male-dominated world?
- My daughter is being disturbed by dark spirits in the classroom – what can I do?
- I cannot stand my friend’s complaining anymore – what should I do?
- How can I ease my aging parent’s suffering?
- Can I make my relationship work even though my partner isn’t spiritual?
- I feel so angry all the time… shouldn’t awakening feel more joyful?
- I know God loves me, but it feels so hopeless… Why do I feel like giving up?
- Is my desire for sex unspiritual?
- My narcissistic ex keeps showing back up in my life and draining me dry – what do I do?
- What’s the difference between spirituality and religion?
- My husband cheated. How will I ever trust again?
- Is it normal to feel everyone else’s pain and to feel exhausted after being around people?
- Why can’t I get people to help me fight all of the evil that’s happening on the planet?
- How do I leave an abusive relationship when I still love my partner?
- How do I get past all the fears that are coming up as I begin to expand?
- How do I get past all the fears that are coming up as I begin to expand?
- Why is the Law of Attraction not working for me?
- How do I get out of the judgment of my past partying days?
- How do I make my partner care about me again?
- How do I get past what other people think about me?
- I have so much joy with my children – why can’t I feel that joy at work?
- Why do feel so impatient about how fast my process is going?
- How can I get more money to flow?
- Why do I keep sabotaging myself with thoughts like ‘who am I to be spiritual’?
- How can I help someone who doesn’t want my help?
- I thought I had found my soulmate, but then why did it all fall apart?
- Why do I feel so misunderstood?
- Why can’t I leave my codependent relationship?
- Why do I have to keep looking at something I’ve already healed?
- Why can’t I figure out my soul’s purpose?
- How do I own the mirror in relationship?
- Why do I keep attracting the same narcissistic man over and over again?
- Love for the Suicidal Thoughts
- The Law of Abundance
- Non-duality
- Soul’s Voice
- Let Go of the Mother Grudge
- Slow it Down
- Your Highest Self
- The End of Overwhelm
- Why do I feel like an alien?
- Escape Analysis Paralysis
- Higher Levels of Understanding
- Is there a difference between believing and knowing?
- Embody Enlightenment
- How do I connect with my Inner Being?
- How can I feel more Gratitude?
- Ahhh! I’m stuck!
- When the heck will I be doing my soul’s purpose?
- Enter Compassion
- Growing Through Joy
- No Way to Fail
- What’s it All About?
- No Way to Fail
- How do I end my suffering?
- Why does it often feel like I’m going backwards?