Q: “How do I know I’m making the right choice in a really tough decision?” How do I know which way to go on a tough decision… #118 in the Ask Cynthia series
Q: “As I become more aware, I’m noticing all of the areas I could have done better as a parent… how do I let go of the mothering guilt?” How do I let go of the mothering guilt… #117 in the Ask Cynthia series
Q: “Why do I always sabotage opportunities for intimacy, love and connection?” Why do I always sabotage my intimacy, love… #116 in the Ask Cynthia series
Q: “Why is it that whenever I try to do something good for myself, like lose weight or eat better, it always tanks?” Why do my attempts to do something good for myself always tank… #115 in the Ask Cynthia series
Have you ever felt like God was against you? Or felt like a powerless victim at the mercy of unfortunate circumstances? Most of us have felt that way at some point. Thankfully, the victim perspective is just that-a fear-based viewpoint-a perspective which can be...
Q: “Since my awakening, most people think I’m nuts – why is it so frustrating to get people to listen?” Why is it so frustrating to get people to listen… #114 in the Ask Cynthia series