Sourced from Within
Part One

2-day workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark

Get into alignment and become who you were meant to be at the highest level

Hi, I am Cynthia Lamb

And here is what I know about you

You are an inspiring, courageous, determined soul with a burning desire to be a powerful force of good in this world. You feel a strong pull to live in alignment with your true nature as a Loving, compassionate being.

When my students come to me, they are awake, self-aware, and have generally worked extensively with themselves. They have come a long way, have healed many layers, yet something is still holding them back from living fearlessly to their highest potential.

Here’s the deal; there are parts of you that still feeling separate from what the adult you knows. Those parts are still vibing fear from old hurts and traumas. Those parts still feel unloved, unworthy, or not good enough, are still holding onto old resentments or judgments, or still feel ashamed or guilty of wrong-doing in your past. Those parts are going to be creating triggers or blocks that sabotage your joy, your success, your peace, and your freedom.

The solution to healing and integrating the wounded parts is getting sourced from within.

What this course has to offer you will set you free, for real. You’ll finally be able to fully embody the person you deep down know you are meant to be.

On this page, you can read about the course. Then, if you are guided, just hit the enroll button. Freedom is your birthright!

You Are the Creator

Claim Your Power and Move into Alignment

It’s 2024, and you may be wondering which way is up. What’s truth and what’s propaganda? Families have been torn apart. Longstanding friendships have ended. People are hurting. It seems like every day there’s a new controversy seeking to divide people. And never has there been a greater sense of urgency for meaningful change.

If you’re picking up on the growing fear-vibe, you’re probably feeling anxious about the future and wondering what you can do to stop getting sucked under and rise above the fray. You know you want to live from a place of peace, love, and compassion for humanity.  But how to fully get there when everyday life seems so darned triggering?

Thankfully, the path for getting to inner peace is easily accessible. That is, it’s accessible for anyone who is ready and willing to walk the path of deep, soul-level healing and transformation.

You have to want to be the change enough to look deeply at yourself.

You see, all of that fear swirling around the planet and all of those triggers are your golden opportunity to find the places inside of yourself that are still resonating with fear. Outer reality is simply providing a mirror. If you are courageous enough to look in the mirror, then you have what it takes to do the deep inner work necessary to create profound, lasting change.

What’s your mirror reflecting? Old stories of abuse that trigger feelings of powerlessness? Old feelings of unworthiness that affect your self-confidence? Old memories of hurt or past heartache that affect your current relationships? Old feelings of guilt, shame, humiliation, or embarrassment that still make you cringe? Old stories of lack that affect your career or finances?  

Whatever old dredges of fear-based crap that still need to be cleared from the shadow are just waiting for you to come heal them.

The moment you heal the part inside of yourself that was responding to any particular fear-based idea, you change your own reality to begin creating from a higher frequency.

You are the creator of your own reality. This means that you get to decide what your future will bring. Not the fear-peddlers. You and only you get to choose what you will create. This is where your true power sits, knowing that you do not need to keep buying into the daily fear-porn and energizing that fear-based vision with your attention. 

Once you’ve claimed your power as the creator of your own life, you will be able to intentionally focus your energy towards creating from love.

Freedom is available, and it happens as a direct result of deep, soul-level healing ❤️

The Path To Freedom

Is straight ahead

This course is the first step on the Vibrant Freedom path, an ongoing journey towards self-mastery.

By participating fully in the workshop, you will learn the tools you need to grow in true alignment with the Loving paradigm on every level of being.

The curriculum is designed to facilitate a complete shift in how you perceive yourself, life, the universe, and well… everything!

That paradigm shift into Loving will allow you to rapidly create more inner peace and personal freedom, and to continue to become more and more liberated on an ongoing basis. 


What this is:

  • a set of practical, useful, usable, life-changing tools that you can use on an on-going basis
  • an opportunity to learn and practice the tools in a warm, safe, accepting environment
  • a chance to experience deep soul-level healing
  • an opportunity to form connection with like-minded people who are on a spiritual journey
  • a real and permanent solution to your triggers and issues

The inner-level benefits:

  • deeper connection to both Self & Source
  • higher self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • greater self-trust and self-confidence
  • ability to discern truth vs. fear
  • more joy, lightness, and deep fulfillment

The outer-level benefits:

  • improved relationships with loved-ones, family & friends
  • better communication
  • more self-confidence in personal interactions
  • less stress, worry, anxiety and upset at life’s ever-changing circumstances
  • greater ease and flow with finances, work, time…
  • improved energy and vitality
  • ability to handle issues with grace and ease
  • healthier boundaries around others
  • much more…

A Live Experiential Healing Intensive

About the workshop

This course is taking place in-person over a 2-day weekend. We meet from 10:00 to 18:00 both Saturday and Sunday with a 2-hr lunch break around 13:00.

You may bring your lunch or eat out; there are several restaurants within walking distance.  Snacks and tea are provided.

During the course, there will be teachings, soul-level healing demos, guided closed-eye processes, sharing exercises, and Q&A.

Detailed handouts to support your ongoing journey

Private Course Facebook group

  • Experience community with your fellow course members
  • Get support from teachers and staff
  • Stay in touch after the 5-week in-depth healing experience

The Curriculum

Part 1: Heal Yourself

The Source of Loving
At the most basic level, everything in life comes down to the issue of love-do we feel loved or unloved? In this segment, we will explore the true nature of reality including:

  • The one and only cause of all human suffering
  • The 1st misinterpretation of reality; the idea that we are unloved in any way
  • The spiritual principles that offer the way out of all suffering
  • a guided healing process to anchor in your source of Loving

Most people experience feeling not good enough in some way; in this segment, we’ll dive deeply into self-worth, including:

  • The 2nd misinterpretation of reality; the idea that we are not worthy (healing clue: we are!) 
  • The four major issues connected with the idea of lack of worth
  • The four spiritual principles that resolve the four major issues related to unworthiness
  • A guided healing process to anchor in self-worth

Earth School
Welcome to Earth School–the only place in the universe where your mistakes fuel your journey. This segment includes:

  • The 3rd misinterpretation of reality; viewing life through the lens of the fear-based right/wrong paradigm
  • The set-up of the victim/perpetrator mindset
  • The nature of Earth as a School from the Loving paradigm
  • How learning works in Earth School
  • The spiritual principles needed to successfully navigate and graduate from your chosen courses
  • How to use your Human Guidance System
  • A guided process to anchor in personal responsibility & free will choice, trust inner guidance and claim authentic power

Updating the Belief System

This module is all about the belief system, and how to get our minds on board with the Loving paradigm in order to begin following our highest good in every moment, including:

  • How the belief system works
  • Our power as the creator of our own lives
  • Irrational vs. rational thought
  • The 6 types of irrational thought
  • How to update your belief system into alignment with Loving
  • A partnering exercise to practice updating a belief

    The FOCUS Method for Self-healing
    In this final segment, we’ll put all of the healing tools you’ve learned during the course together in one place so that you can successfully repeat this process yourself on an ongoing basis as you move toward greater personal freedom.

    • A brief review of the spiritual principles of Loving
    • The FOCUS Method
    • Q&A
    • A partnering exercise to practice using the FOCUS Method
    • What’s next? An invitation to move on to the next step on the Vibrant Freedom path
    • Group hug and closing shares

    This Course Is For You!

    (If you want to make an impact)

    If you yearn to be free of all fear, to live in alignment with Love and compassion, and have the desire to do whatever it takes, then this course is for you. It is solely for the people who are ready to become powerful creators by taking full responsibility for their own lives, who are willing to do the deep inner work that is necessary to create lasting change.

    If you want to be fully lit, fully sovereign, and fully embody your own light then go ahead and enroll with confidence.

    The world needs role models who walk the talk. Be one of them and let your joyful smile radiate peace and freedom wherever you go.

    Workshop Schedule

    Dates: Saturday & Sunday 16 & 17 November, 2024

    Time: 10-18:00 both days

    Location: YogaCare, Tagensvej 85 C, 2200 København, Denmark

    After registering, you’ll be sent an email with all of the details


    Registration is $288 (approximately 1960 kr)

    Early bird special $244 – ends 30 October (approximately 1660 kr)

    Meet Your Teacher

    Cynthia Lamb, author, teacher, & grandma

    Hi, my name is Cynthia Lamb, and I would be honored to be your teacher for the next part of your healing journey.

    My own healing journey began, much against my conscious will, when I was just 18 years old.

    Long story short: during a surgery, I had a magical, mystical, near-death experience. I woke up with the knowledge of a sage and the maturity of an immature, codependent, teenaged girl with little life experience.

    It took me more than a decade to begin to learn how to heal my old traumas, integrate my resistant personality, and begin to live in alignment with my soul’s will. And, I am still working on it.

    But here is what I know. Inside of you, there is a direct path to Love, and it is your birthright to reside there.

    Love leads to bone-deep inner peace and personal freedom. And I would be delighted to show you how you can light your own way ❤️


    I believe this work is life-changing, that it will continue to provide ongoing value for you for years to come and that it is well worth your financial investment; if, after attending the whole weekend and participating fully, you feel that this experience has not benefited you in any way, you may request a refund. I will give you your money back (minus any transaction fees) no questions asked.

    Questions & Answers

    We are here to serve

    I’ve taken spiritual workshops before that just repeat all the usual stuff- how do I know I will get anything new out of this course?

    This course is designed to be experiential at the being level. That means that if you participate, you will have a unique inner experience no matter how many spiritual courses you’ve attended. Some of my students have taken this course multiple times because they continue to uplevel each and every time. Embodiment is a process, so the more inner work that you do, the more integration you will experience.

    I think I am ready to heal my old trauma, but I’ve thought that before and it hasn’t happened. How do I know if I’m really ready?

    Trust your intuition. If you feel guided to join, that’s a good indication that a higher part of you is ready to go deeper. You don’t have to have every part of yourself on board before you begin to move towards healing. Trust the most Loving and encouraging part; this is the part of you that has your highest good at heart.

    I feel guided and excited to do this course but also feel scared; is that Ok?

    Yes. It’s more than Ok. It is normal to feel scared, anxious, or worried when signing up to do this work. It is an indication that parts of yourself are concerned that change is coming. You can reassure the scared part of yourself that all is well, that it is safe to grow. Then bring your fears to class. It is a wonderful opportunity for healing the kind of fear that keeps us stuck.

    Do you have a burning question? Get in touch…

    5 + 7 =

    The Story Behind the Course

    Freedom from the ground up

    This course is a divine manifestation of the universal law ask and receive.

    For several years in the mid-to-late 90’s I’d been left feeling dissatisfied by the results of the workshops I had been teaching.

    While there were always a few students soaking in everything I had to share like sponges, filled with excitement and clamoring “more, please”, many other students appeared shell-shocked, glazed over with too much information, or had trouble grounding their experience in a lasting way.

    I was left with the disappointing fact that what I was offering wasn’t quite hitting the mark in the highest possible good, so I asked for clear guidance on how to maximize the workshop experience to be of the greatest service to most participants.

    I received an instant, miraculous download of course content, including a crystal clear outline of the order in which it needed to be presented and why.

    I was shown that, for teachings of higher wisdom to take permanent hold, a person’s consciousness has to be receptive. Receptivity can be easily blocked if a person holds onto any of the three most significant misinterpretations of reality.

    So the first step on the path to freedom needed to be about creating a clean slate, bringing the participant into alignment with their Source, and creating a solid foundation for their continued growth and expansion.

    Since that initial download, this course has been offering life-changing results with incredible consistency to thousands of people around the world. It is a gift that keeps on giving in every way.

    I feel blessed to be sharing this wisdom with you. If you are ready to receive, join me ❤️

    What Students Have to Say


    “In a short time I have gone from seeing myself as a victim , attenting to other people all the time […] and now i feel so free and full of joy and hope…” – Signe Bjerre, Student.

    Karen Bendixen

    “I can only recommend Cynthia Lamb with all my heart. I met her for the first time at a “Heal Yourself” workshop in Copenhagen in 2018. I immediately was attracted and felt hope, meeting so much clarity and wisdom. Cynthia gives you the tools to really look, and for the first time I can now work with myself deeply and heal old painful beliefs, with love and compassion. Meeting Cynthia has been life-changing and liberating for me. I’m now a 2nd Year Student in her Conscious Healing Program. I’m so grateful that it now is possible for me to invite and integrate Freedom. Thank you Cynthia, for showing me the way.”

    Birgitte Sommer

    “At my first workshop with Cynthia Lamb, I sat with my arms crossed and had so much resistance,.. but I kept coming back. At my third workshop I just surrendered, because her tools and loving person simply worked for me. And now, I am in my second year of her conscious healing program. I must say, it has been.. and is, life changing. I’m using her tools everyday. It has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. 🙏☘️  I will be forever grateful that I had the courage to join her program and to Cynthia Lamb for showing me the way.”

    Louise Lillith 

    “The best gift I gave myself in recent years was to sign up for Cynthia Lamb’s workshops and healing program. It is life transforming, literally speaking, mind blowing and heart-opening ❤️💫”

    Marta Gabriela

    “I am profoundly grateful for having gone to the “Heal Your Shit” workshop (now called Sourced from Within) ❤️. Meeting Cynthia and her work has set me off on a journey of connecting back with myself and stepping out of fear and self-doubt. With these two days, I was able to get deeper than with months of trying different things out. I recommend this workshop with my whole heart ❤️”

    Mai Bomholt Oest

    “I have so much love and gratitude for Cynthia, who she is and what she teaches. I have taken steps, no, leaps in my personal growth and healing in a way I didn’t think was possible and that years of classic therapy did not offer. I can wholeheartedly recommend this workshop as a start of immense growth and profound healing 💙💜💙”

    Yuliya Makarova

    “I finally could understand what Self- love means! All of my beliefs went upside down. I suddenly could see the World for what it is truly. The best time I could have ever spent for myself and my family”

    Mogens Daugbjerg Larsen

    “I was introduced to Cynthia Lamb through a friend after having had a pretty rough spiritual awakening, a near death experience and having my life turned upside down. 
I was feeling paralyzed by the events of my life through the last few years and felt stuck as well.

    The awakening I had had shown me all there is and isn’t at same time and for a brief moment I was shown the world as it is, merely energy. I didn’t know this at that time. 
A friend recommended me to reach out to Cynthia and she gave me comfort immediately. 
I was met by so much love and compassion by Cynthia and she told me what I had seen in my awakening was my truth and that she could help me to understand and to see more clearly. 
So I signed up for her workshop in Copenhagen.

    Every thing Cynthia showed me at that workshop made so much sense and it turned my life around. 
I joined her 2-year Conscious healing class and I found a new and stronger than ever freedom in life. 
By far it’s the one of the best things I have done for myself and it has given me a solid spiritual foundation and many many tools I use every day as I learn and grow. 
I am forever grateful to Cynthia Lamb for showing me the way to a life beyond my wildest beliefs and for showing me how to open the door and to step into the loving. 
I now know unconditional love to not only others but also to myself.
I love U Cynthia 100%.”

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